For local photographer
(and high school student) Jacqueline Rivera, finding her dream wasn't that difficult…seeing the fruition of her work was another story in itself. Finding her images by way of local bloggers and admirers, it's easy to see why this young artist's work has become so coveted. As a young artist with a mind full of ideas and a place to tell them, her images are taken throughout this beautiful city of ours by way of her digital camera and just a mere vision.
Chatting with the self- taught photographer via email, I got a sneak peek into the extravagant life of this rising star w
ho is making a sensation all over the world (that's right….the
A resident of flickr and recent website designer (shesjack.com), Rivera has already seen international promotion in her short 17 years. "I have been contacted by many people, either asking me to display my photos on their blogs, to do an interview, to use my images for products, to sell my images, and even to do photo shoots. Most of the interviews were online only, with the exception of a newspaper from the Czech Republic. I was so excited, it was something different, and it helped me promote my work to people miles and miles away. I am also selling prints of my photos and an online art Gallery, Agitatto.com is also selling a few." The result is success she's never dreamed of. It's likely that her series of photographs – which include the alphabet, the rainbow, daily images and more, were taken in the hopes of some recognition - but for the most part it was all for the sake of the art.
"I got started in photography when I received my first digital camera, an HP 3.2mp bulky point and shoot camera. I was so excited. I began taking photos of everything and anything. In my eyes, I was making art. From then on, I just kept teaching myself things, reading online, looking at books; throughout that time I was getting better cameras. I don’t think I have mastered any skills, there’s always something more you could learn. I’d love to take a photography class; I especially want to learn more about lighting because all I use is natural light, or light from a lamp, (I always improvise)."
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