
Work as Fun

I just finished reading Inc.’s Strategy piece from Greg Selkoe, CEO at Karmaloop. Written in first perspective by a man who turned his ADHD into a positive, it revealed something I had never known to be true: you can actually really love what you do.

I’m sure Inc. constantly features this type of guy, but it was the first time I was able to finish one of the stories in its magazine (maybe it was Greg’s voice, or maybe it’s because it’s just what I need now).

Enjoying what you do is something that I grew up thinking doesn’t happen. Couldn’t happen. Ever.

After leaving a job that I constantly complained about, I suddenly thought life would get a lot easier.  Reality sunk in when I was living alone for the first time without the full-time support of consistent work. As much as the sleepless nights keep me wondering whether this was the right decision, I have to realize this move was exactly what I (mostly) wanted.

Well, sort of. I hadn’t imagined blindly applying or meeting up with an endless stream of contacts for any industry insight to little avail. I thought this time away from the pressure of a full-time work load would help me figure out what I really wanted to do – and get me to a place where I could be happy fulltime. Now I’m just stuck in a mental battle that has me more desperate than free.

I’ve been pretty embarrassed to admit this. My readers (aka my mom and boyfriend) might already know this to be true, but I don’t want to seem like a failure with all the people out there in the world who have done so much more. It’s just nice to be able to put my fears to words, and hope that something I’ll be able to say “work is my fun” just like Greg.  

{image via Fashion Served}


DIY: Nails

For some reason or another, LinkedIn decided to point me in the direction of a social media expert at Ralph Lauren. Turns out that the lady, besides having a commendable resume, also has a pretty kick-ass fashion blog. After instantly becoming enamored with her sweet, go-to style and family portraits it was easy to see why the site pointed me in her direction. 

Whatever the reason, I was floored when I saw her Comme des Garcons Play nails that she did herself. Can we say DIY chic? I might be a little inexperienced to tackle these beauties just yet, but suffice it so say I was pleasantly surprised by the '2nd connection' and blog moveSlightly.  

{all images via moveSlightly}


Jumping into SF

When you move to a new city, there are a lot of things to learn - navigating a neighborhood alone can tough, let alone an entire county full of new people, roads and restaurants. I've come to realize just in my short time in the Bay Area, despite coming here monthly as a kid, that I know very little. But this naivety is something to treasure, especially as I search for a space to call my own in San Francisco. 

The copious amount of neighborhoods in San Francisco alone is enough to make my head spin. Josh has used the site for international trips, but I haven't yet attempted to rent a space domestically, and moving to a new city seems like the perfect time. When guests come to visit, I'm planning on picking one for fun - maybe David's Old Victorian flat next to Alamo Square, or Tim's place near the Castro. With endless options for variety in the city, it might not be so difficult navigating after all. 

 Pacific Heights from Bobbi
 David's Victorian color

Tim's front room {images 3 & 4; all images from Airbnb} 


International Interior Design


Holy moly this space from Croatia just blew me away. Just a great use of color, patterns and texture to make things feel bright without overpowering the simple luxury of relaxing at home. While I love looking at design spaces, I noticed something recently - it's really about all natural light. I think one essential in my next home is going to have to be great windows and great natural lighting (a more difficult find in San Francisco, unfortunately) - it is a home accessory that one cannot do without. 


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